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About Avery Elementary School

6391 East Cherokee Drive
Canton, GA 30115

School Fax Number:

School Office Hours: 
Monday-Friday 7am-3pm

School Hours for Students:
Monday-Friday 7:35-2:15

Early Checkout:
All students must be checked out from the office before 1:30 each school day. For the safety of your child, please be prepared to show photo ID when checking a student out from school.

Transportation Changes:
If you have a planned transportation change for your child, please send in a note to your child’s teacher or use our Transportation Form.

Below is a copy of our car rider route to be viewed at your convenience!
Avery Car Line Route 

School Mission Statement:
The mission at Avery Elementary School is to create a safe and enriching environment where students and staff unite in learning through the use of technology, collaboration, independent thinking and applying knowledge. Students will be empowered to succeed as life-long learners and productive citizens for the future.

2023-24 CCSD School Calendar

Avery Elementary School, built in 2007, had its grand opening on August 6, 2007, with an opening enrollment of 1053 serving grade Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.  In order to manage community growth in Woodstock and Canton, Georgia, students merged into Avery from three feeder schools, namely Buffington, Hickory Flat and Macedonia Elementary Schools.  Avery received its name based on the history of its location.  In 1895, a one-room school house named Avery was built in the same community.  It is believed that Avery was the first school built in Cherokee County.  In 1957, Avery merged with Buffington ES and Avery was torn down.  More than 100 years later, the community felt strongly that the new school be named Avery.  The school colors are blue, green and gold; one color was taken from each of the three feeder schools to symbolize unity as the schools came together under one roof.  These colors are also the same as Creekland MS and Creekview HS, the Innovation Zone feeder schools.

Avery exudes technology throughout the entire school.  It was the first elementary school in the Cherokee County School District that is completely fiber optic and wireless.  Instead of standard whiteboards in classrooms, interactive Promethean boards are used.

The Charter Principal of Avery was Dr. Georgann Toop who served from 2007-2010. Letitia Cline became Principal of Avery in July 2010 and served in that role until 2012. Dr. Pam Smith, who served as one of Avery's assistant principals during the 2007-2008 inaugural year, returned in July 2012 as Avery's principal.   Dr. Lisa Turner took over as Avery's Principal in July 2015. Avery serves grades K-5 with an enrollment of approximately 1040 students. The sense of community and school pride is prevalent throughout Avery Elementary School.
