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CCSD Message: Happy New Year

CCSD Message: Happy New Year

Little River Elementary School fourth-grader Chase Motes and younger brother, first-grader Mason, smile before the first day of school on Monday.



Please see the following message from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower and enjoy some our of #CCSD1stDay photos in the slideshow posted above.

Like many of you, I woke up earlier than usual this morning to celebrate our new year.  While I didn’t have a child’s shoelaces to tie or ponytails to fasten, my day needed to start as early as possible so I could see as many smiles as possible.

As I visited our schools today, the smiles lit up the hallways brighter than any New Year’s fireworks.  It felt like a reunion, not only for children and teachers and staff who missed seeing each other over the summer break, but also for former Digital Learners who spent more than a year learning from home and now are back in person.  You could hear the joy among the parents and grandparents who delighted in today’s opportunity to walk little ones to their classrooms.  And you could see it in the faces of PTA volunteers who have longed to work again in classrooms and media centers and cafeterias and now can return to this valuable service.

Our first day felt like the 100th as far as school operations, aside from the expected traffic increases that slow down car rider lines and bus routes, and which will improve over the week.  Our teachers and support staff are ready to do what they do best: teaching, supporting, transporting, feeding and caring, caring, caring for our students.  We’re continuing to offer Digital Learning as an option for at least this first semester, and today we began our first classes at i-Grad Virtual Academy, CCSD’s new permanent online learning choice for high school students.  We’ve improved online learning for this school year, and our teachers and support staff are eager to connect with students.

While we ring in this new school year, we haven’t forgotten the past school year’s challenges or the reality that we’re still living through a pandemic.  
We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 caseload in our community and schools and will take appropriate action as needed.  We will be notifying parents of any positive cases in their child’s classes and encouraging them to monitor for symptoms.  We encourage everyone who is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  We ask you to stay home whenever you are sick or have been directed by a doctor to quarantine due to a positive case in your household.  This morning on my tour, I saw masks among our students, adults and visitors, and we continue to have masks available to students and staff upon request.

Our students greatly benefitted, both academically and socially and emotionally, from our School Board’s leadership to open schools on time and in-person last school year.  While we know there were learning opportunity losses along the way due to at-home learning, our teachers and staff have worked hard to close gaps.  We’ve hired an additional 125 teachers, above and beyond enrollment growth, for this school year to ensure full recovery.  We encourage you to join us in our mission of continuous improvement in service to our students by becoming an active member of your school’s PTA and keeping up with your child’s learning in Canvas.  You can learn more about what your child will learn this year by reviewing our academic curriculum at and social and emotional learning curriculum at

Here's to the best school year ever!