CCSD Message: Misinformation about CCSD Operations
On behalf of the Superintendent, please be advised that serious misinformation about CCSD is being circulated on social media.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower has no plans to ask the School Board to privatize bus drivers or School Nutrition or any other part of CCSD operations. The School Board also has had no discussions about privatizing these services.
The idea of possibly privatizing these services was brought up by a candidate who is running for School Board during a Cherokee County Republican Party candidates’ forum on March 21, and then moderators at the forums on March 22, 28 and 29 asked the other candidates their opinion on the issue. Videos from these events are available on the Cherokee County Republican Party’s Facebook page.
It also has been falsely stated that Dr. Hightower proposed privatization of custodial services in 2013. That recommendation was not made by Dr. Hightower; he did not begin serving as Superintendent until 2016.
We will add this information to our Fact vs. Fiction webpage at [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]. We continuously update this page as needed to ensure CCSD parents, employees and our community as a whole have accurate information about our operations.