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CCSD Partner Receives Top Community Award

CCSD Partner Receives Top Community Award

Kevin Williams, owner operator of Cherokee County Chick-fil-A, left, is congratulated by Cherokee County Superior Court Judge Tony Baker upon being presented with the Liberty Bell Award by the Blue Ridge Bar Association.

A Cherokee County School District business partner and volunteer has received a top community award!

Kevin Williams, operator of Cherokee County Chick-fil-A, today was honored with the Liberty Bell Award by the Blue Ridge Bar Association at its annual Law Day observance.

The award is the highest honor presented by the association, which is made up of Cherokee County judges, lawyers and other legal professionals, to recognize exceptional community service by a non-lawyer.

Mr. Williams operates the restaurants at Riverstone Plaza and Canton Marketplace as well as the Hickory Flat store – a rarity as a triple franchise owner for the company -- and recently wrote the inspirational book, “Irrational Kindness!”  He was praised for his work to support the community, including as a partner to CCSD schools and founding board member of the Cherokee County Educational Foundation.  Among his many charitable accomplishments is the founding of the Chick-fil-A Cherokee County Moo’ve it 5K Race, held every August, which over the past eight years has raised more than $200,000 for the educational foundation and Cherokee County Special Olympics.

The presentation, which was a surprise to Mr. Williams, was made by Cherokee County Superior Court Judge Tony Baker.  A longtime friend of Mr. Williams since their days as students at the University of Georgia, Judge Baker has served alongside Mr. Williams on the educational foundation board.

“The next generation is the best generation we’ve had in a long time,” Mr. Williams said, as to his devotion to supporting the community’s youth.  “We need to see the opportunity we all have in making a difference in others’ lives.”

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said he and the School Board are grateful for Mr. Williams’ continued service to the school district and the community as a whole.

“Kevin spreads kindness wherever he goes,” Dr. Hightower said.  “He treats everyone equally, which is the foundation of our Constitution celebrated at today’s Law Day observance, and that includes with equal kindness, which takes incredible grace and humility.”

Mr. Williams joins the ranks of many honorable past recipients, Dr. Hightower added, including several others connected to the school district, such as past Superintendent of Schools Marguerite Cline, retired teacher and Cherokee High School principal Dr. Susan Padgett-Harrison and the late Joan McFather and Dr. Helen Stone, both beloved Cherokee High School teachers.
