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CCSD Summer Feeding Program Kicks off June 6, Donations Needed

CCSD Summer Feeding Program Kicks off June 6, Donations Needed

UPDATE 5/23/22: Great news! The USDA waiver has been extended for July so the weekly to-go bag model will continue in July. #CCSDfam #CCSDserves

The CCSD School Nutrition Summer Feeding program will kick off June 6, and community donations are requested to make it a success.

“We care about our students’ well-being all the time, and we know that providing meals over summer break is a hardship for some families,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said.  “We’re so fortunate to have a dedicated School Nutrition team, an outstanding partner in MUST Ministries and a supportive community working together to feed our students over the summer.”  

Distributions will be Mondays beginning June 6, with distribution on Mondays of bags containing five breakfasts and five lunches for the week. This phase is possible thanks to continued USDA waivers, grant funding and support from local nonprofit, MUST Ministries, a CCSD Partner. The distribution sites will be at Cherokee High School's North Campus and Clark Creek Elementary School STEM Academy; children do not need to be present for parents to pick up meal bags.  MUST Ministries volunteers also will distribute CCSD to-go meal bags in the community along their usual summer meal routes again this year.

Meals also will be provided in June to students attending CCSD's Thrive summer school program for select rising ninth-graders.  While the USDA funds will reimburse CCSD for most expenses, an estimated $8,400 in community support will be needed, as donations were needed last summer, to cover remaining costs and meet rising needs.  A donation page has been set up at to allow for community donations. 

#CCSDfam #CCSDserves