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CCSD Summer Meals Weekly Order Form - Due July 15 [2]

CCSD Summer Meals Weekly Order Form - Due July 15 [2]

If your children are 0-18 years old, we are pleased to offer summer to-go meal service for them! 

Meal pick up will be from 11 a.m. to noon on Monday, July 19, at Cherokee High School's Cherokee North building, Creekview High School and Etowah High School's Etowah East building.

Each to-go meal bag will include five days’ worth of breakfast and lunch meals.  Meals also can be ordered for children in your household who are not yet school age. 

All meals will be provided at no cost to all CCSD students and to any child 0-18 years old.

To order your meals for pick up on Monday, July 19, please complete the form by clicking on the link below.  Please submit the Meal Order Form by Thursday, July 15, at 8 a.m.

Click on the link below to order meals for your student:
CCSD School Nutrition Summer Meals Weekly Order Form (

IMPORTANT NOTICE: CCSD’s Summer Meals Program will be from June 7-July 26 with distribution on Mondays at Cherokee HS, Creekview HS and Etowah HS, with meal delivery to specific sites in the community by CCSD School Nutrition and MUST Ministries, which will run their usual routes using CCSD to-go meal bags.  More information is online at  While the USDA funds will reimburse CCSD for most expenses, $90,000 in community support will be needed, as it was last summer, to cover remaining costs and meet rising needs.  A donation page has been set up at to allow for community donations.
#CCSDserves #CCSDfam